
1445 Colfax Ave
Benton Harbor, MI

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Mon – Sat 8:00 – 18:00
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(269) 262-1554

Budgeting, dieting, and scheduling are things we start and struggle with over and over in life. There are many reasons we struggle in these areas, which we also understand. The worst way to conquer these is by setting a New Year’s resolution to deal with them simultaneously.

Year after year, we tried to conquer some frustrating goals like everyone else. Today, we are just going to focus on budgeting. Did narrowing to just a focus on budgeting help us win in budgeting? No, putting dieting and scheduling on the shelf wasn’t the winning shift. Removing distractions will help any of us though.

Budgeting comes easy to some, and others seem cursed by leprechauns, gremlins, or bad luck. When I say others, that is how I used to feel. How about you? Does it seem like there are large and small monsters waiting to make our budgeting progress disappear? Knowing our feelings are wrong doesn’t keep the feelings from swelling up inside our stomach.

So, is the cure for the budgeting frustrations a four-leaf clover to overcome leprechauns and bad luck? Do we need to become minimalists to remove all the hiding places for gremlins and keep them out of our budgets? Nope, these are not the real enemies of budgeting. If we learn the real enemies of budgeting, we can do something about them. Some we can conquer, some we can minimize, and others we can avoid altogether.

Focusing on budgeting without changing our diet and schedule may be the first step for some of us. For everyone, those with good and bad diets, those who are good at scheduling, and those who are not, budgeting can be our next victory area. Our webinar, 7 Reasons Budgeting Doesn’t Work When It Should, will not discuss leprechauns, gremlins, or bad luck. It will discuss real challenges most of us face in budgeting that can become excuses to budget badly or quit altogether.

Oh, one last thing. Good budgeting does not keep us from doing what we want with our money. Indeed, we cannot spend the same dollar twice, but what you do with your money is your choice. Learning about budgeting challenges will allow you to do more of what you choose without waste or regret.

So, are you ready to influence your finances today by signing up for our seminar on 7 Reasons Budgeting Doesn’t Work (when it should)?